High Pressure Pumps
(Cat, Hotsy, General): Kits - Seal, Valve, Mechanical parts
Solenoids and Valves
(Kip, Asco, Burkert, Dema): Kits - Seal, Coils, Bodies
Foam Brush
brush heads, handles, swivels, booms
Shampoo Machines
(JE Adams, Fragamatics): Hoses, Switches, Timers, Refill Products
Coin Boxes
(Canadian Car Care, Magikist, JE Adams): Face Plates, Money Drawers, Security Bars, Rotary Switches, Coin Acceptors
S/S Tanks
(Canadian Car Care): Rinse Tanks, Soap Tanks, Triple Foam Tanks, Platforms and Stands
Vending Machines
(JE Adams, Laurel Metal Products): Vending Machines, Coin Acceptors, Switch Pads, Main Boards, Money Drawers, Product Refills
including, our own line of soap, wax, foam soap, presoak and tire cleaner
Low Pressure Pumps
(Flojet, Dosatron): Kits - Seal, Diaphram, Valve
Trigger Guns
(JE Adams): Wands, Repair Kits, Inlet and Outlet Pipes, Handles, Triggers
(JE Adams, Magikist): Hoses, Filter Bags, Motors, Brushes, Timers, Gaskets, Coin Acceptors, Face Plates, Coin Boxes, Money Drawers, Locks
Bill Changers
Single and Double (Standard, Changemakers): Power Packs, Cables, Data Terminals, Verifiers, Hoppers, Stackers, Upgrade Chips
Boom Assemblies
(Canadian Car Care, Magikist, 10 Lives): Complete Assemblies, High and Low Pressure, Fittings, Swivels, Hoses, Brackets, Springs, Bearings
R/O Systems
(Crane Environmental)
(Canadian Car Care, JE Adams, Magikist, Dixmor, Infitec, Ginsan): Wash Bay Timers, Vacuum/Shampoo Timers, Product Dispense Timers